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PSN College of Engineering and Technology (PSNCET), Tirunelveli

PSN College of Engineering and Technology (PSNCET), Tirunelveli

PSN Nagar, Melathediyoor (Post), Palayamkottai (Taluk), Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India










  • A new expert system based on hybrid colour and structure descriptor and machine learning algorithms for early glaucoma diagnosis

    Research Article September-2024
  • Textures and Intensity Histogram Based Retinal Image Classification System Using Hybrid Colour Structure Descriptor

    Research Article September-2024
  • Parasagittal Meningioma Brain Tumor Classification System based on MRI images and M ulti phase level set formulation

    Research Article September-2024
  • Severity analysis of diabetic retinopathy in retinal images using hybrid Structure descriptor a nd fuzzy logic based pair of RBF kernel SVM,

    Research Article September-2024
  • Alzheimer's disease early diagnosis using principal component analysis and support vector machine

    Research Article September-2024
  • Robust Classification of Brain Tumour in MRI Images using Salient Structure Descriptor and RBF Kernel - SVM

    Research Article September-2024
  • Qualitative, Quantitative and Comparative Analysis of Diabetic Eye Classifier ,

    Research Article September-2024
  • Severity and Security Analysis of Medical Internet of Things ,

    Research Article September-2024
  • Medical Image Classification System using Hybrid Texture features and Machine Learning Algorithm

    Research Article September-2024
  • A Comprehensive Survey of Security Mechanisms in Health Care Applications

    Research Article September-2024

About PSN College of Engineering and Technology (PSNCET), Tirunelveli

PSN College of Engineering and Technology(PSNCET), Tirunelveli, was established by the PSN Educational and Charitable Trust in the year 2001under the leadership of Dr. P. Suyambu a multi – tasked personality with admirable academic brilliance. T

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