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KCC Institute of Technology & Management, Noida (KCCITM)

KCC Institute of Technology & Management, Noida (KCCITM)

KCC Institute of Technology & Management 2B, 2C, Vashishth Rd, Knowledge Park III, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India










  • BiVO4/Fe2O3/ZnFe2O4; Triple Heterojunction for Enhanced PEC Performance for Hydrogen Generation

    Research Article April-2022
    DOI: 10.1039/D2RA00900E
  • MWCNTs incorporated nanostructured Bismuth Vanadate for solar energy induced water splitting for hydrogen generation

    Research Article April-2022
    DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2021.05.667
  • Analysis of Voltage Droop Control Technique in MTDC Systems as an Impressive Option

    Research Article June-2024
  • Frequency Regulati on Technique in AC -DC Network using Converter Current Modulation in VSC -HVDC System

    Research Article September-2024
  • Distributed Generation with HVDC Transmission

    Research Article January-1970
  • Real Time Analys is of Hybrid Power System

    Research Article January-1970

About KCC Institute of Technology & Management, Noida (KCCITM)

You’re never going to have as much free time as you do in college to do the things you love, so join the various activity clubs available which gives you the opportunities to interact and learn from so many peers altogether. I was always a active m

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