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K J Somaiya Institute of Technology (KJSIT)

K J Somaiya Institute of Technology (KJSIT)

Somaiya Ayurvihar Complex, Eastern Express Highway, Near Everard Nagar, Sion (East), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India










  • Fuzzy Genetic Data Mining Using k -Means Clustering

    Research Article February-2012
  • Genetic Approach for Fuzzy Mining Using Modified K -Means Clustering

    Research Article January-1970
  • Image Mining Method and Frameworks

    Research Article December-2012
  • Decision Making For Items To Be Kept For Sale In Supermarket Using Fuzzy -Genetic Approach with Single Minimum Support Using 3 -Dimensional k -means Clustering

    Research Article January-1970
  • Improved up -to-date high utility pattern mining algorithm for high utility pattern

    Research Article January-1970
  • Up-to-Date High Utility Pattern Mining Algorithm Using Up -to-Date Utility -List for High Quality Pattern

    Research Article January-1970
  • Voice To Code Converter Using Java And C: Get What You Speak

    Research Article March-2018

About K J Somaiya Institute of Technology (KJSIT)

This second Engineering College established by the Somaiya Trust in the year 2001, at Ayurvihar campus, Sion, was initiated with a first batch of 180 undergraduate students and three branches in Engineering—namely Electronics and Telecommunication

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