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Paper Title

Wireless Data Transmission using Hand Gesture

Article Type

Research Article


Volume : 5 | Issue : 5 | Page No : 404-415

Published On

May, 2018



Hand Detection has a significant role in human computer interaction (HCI) applications, as well as supervision. Inside this work, we design a structure that acquires and classifies users’ hand gestures from images and videos. We provide input from the cameras from low resolution, our algorithm identifies the position and shape of the provided hand gesture and describes according to one of a number of predefined gestures. In our structure first we implement image processing techniques on the images to subtract background, noise effects on the image, and then take out appropriate features for categorization and then for appropriate gesture it will transmit wireless signal. The data transmission takes place with the help of arduino connected to system and received data with the help of HC-05 Bluetooth device at the Arduino end. It is appropriate for equally real-time and non real time categorization

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