We propose a vehicle identification and driver authentication system consisting of a central database of authorized vehicles using TCPIP RF Vehicle tags RF tag Reader and RF tag Writer TCPIP is based on IEEE 8022 standard for local Area Networks LAN that is being used in many commercial and research applications today where it has become an attractive solution for low power and low cost applications The RF Tag is placedin a vehicle that will be approaching the entrance of an establishment the RF tag reader is used to communicate with the RF tags and the RF tag writer is used to program or write to the RF tags Vehicle identification is performed by reading the serial number in the RF tag and driver authentication is done through the RF tag Both information are read through the wireless 8022 interface via the RF tag reader and sent to a central database through Ethernet for verification In order to enhance the data security 128 bit Advance Encryption Standard AES was implemented in the TCPIP This paper is based on a prototype development of the proposed system and it presents hardware and firmware aspects of the design A vehicle identification device profile was defined and developed using the Microchip TCPIP stack Hardware implementation of RF tags reader and writer was carried out using LABVIEW software Chipcon CC2420 RF transceiver and an inverted F-type PCB antenna which was used with the transceiver The designed application functions in the 24GHz frequency band
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