This paper presents the variation of radiofrequencies intensities from the DTTV-transmitter in Kampala Metropolitan for the sub 700 MHz (470-694 MHz) and the 700 MHz (694-790 MHz) frequency bands. The results of this study showed that though all the measurement locations from the transmitter have a good reception of DTTV signals, their radiofrequency intensities varied at the different points on the same measurement location at a constant distance from the DTTV transmitter. The study further showed that there is a general decrease in the radiofrequency intensities for the sub 700 MHz frequency band and a slight general increase in the radiofrequency intensities for the 700 MHz frequency band. This research revealed that the measured Reference Signal Received Power (RSRP) values for all the measurement locations where within the IEEE and FCC recommended values for any DTTV signal reception.
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