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Usage of Hybrid Mechanisms to Reduce Energy Consumption while Preserving Green SLA in Cloud Environment

Published On: March, 2016

Article Type: Research Article

DOI: 10.1145/2905055.2905136

Page No: 1-6


Cloud computing provides utility oriented services and pay-as-you-go computing model for its users. Massive adoption of Cloud services leads to build a sustainable environment and also demands for green Cloud services. With the advancement in Cloud services, the issue of carbon dioxide emission becomes significant. There is also a challenge for Cloud provider to satisfy the customer by guaranteeing the services with performance and availability in Service Level Agreement (SLA). Hence, energy consumption and SLA violation become important issues for Cloud providers. These issues can be addressed in many facets viz. efficient provisioning of resources, reducing energy consumption in datacenters, server consolidation, virtual machine (VM) migration, minimizing SLA violation or also by providing SLA with green requirements. In this paper, we survey various techniques which address green SLA with Quality of Service (QoS) requirements by using different resource management and consolidation procedures.
