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Paper Title

Transmitting patient’s health care information using LEDs in hospitals through VLC technology

Article Type

Research Article

Research Impact Tools

Published On

February, 2024



Bright light causes dazzle and it sometimes hazard to human, while the other extreme the poor lightning makes hard vision and subsidize slips and falls. The new type of lightning in indoors is through light emitting diodes (LEDs). LEDs benefit the conventional lightning as they don’t have mercury and has lowered human toxic potential. And also it does not have electric or magnetic field effect that causes damage to human health. These aspects ought to be considered in environment lighting. Visible light communication (VLC) can establish unidirectional or bidirectional communication using LEDs. Lighting control in LEDs is recommended to meet the hospital circumstances. It can be attained through LEDs dimming. LEDs are dimmed through variable delta sigma modulation (vDSM) digital dimming modulation technique. The dimmed LEDs provides contented atmosphere to the patients in the health care centers. The performance is evaluated in terms of Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR), while the information about patients are transmitted over vDSM digital dimming signal. Disease diagnosis, treatment, patient monitoring and administrative activities are the vital categories of artificial intelligence (AI) applications. Collection of patient’s data and its analyzes is carried out through AI. Thus it results in the success of AI in health cares under radiation free environment through installed LEDs in indoors using VLC.

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