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Paper Title

Thumba methyl ester production using prepared novel TiO2 nano-catalyst in ultrasonic cavitation reactor

Article Type

Research Article


Journal:Elsevier journal Materials Today: Proceedings


Volume : 18 | Page No : 4322–4329

Published On

August, 2019



In this present research, the catalytic activity of the prepared TiO2 nanoparticles was evaluated towards the thumba methyl ester production by using it under ultrasonic cavitation reactor. TiO2 nanoparticles were prepared by ultrasonic assisted sol-gel method using titanium tetra-isopropoxide (TTIP) as precursor. The required parameter like ultrasonic irradiation time was varied from 10 to 60 min, power density from 10 W/L- 30 W/L, initial temperature from 5°C -20°C and water to TTIP weight ratio from 5-20 for sol-gel method. After completing all the experimental activity, it was found that the morphology of TiO2 nanoparticles largely depends on the factors such as ultrasonic irradiation time, power density, inlet temperature and water to TTIP ratio. The prepared TiO2 nanoparticles were useful for the thumba methyl ester production up to 92% conversion of triglycerides from thumba oil in ultrasonic cavitation reactor.

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