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Therapeutic Significance of Calcium Compound In Ayurvedic system of Medicine-A systematic review

Published On: August, 2024

Article Type: Original Article

DOI: 10.36106/ijsr

Issue: 08 | Volume: 13 |


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Rasashastra, a vital part of Ayurveda, mainly deals with metals, minerals, mercury, and animal-based medicines that have alchemical and medicinal value. Rasashastra is unique in that it uses mixtures of metals and minerals for therapeutic purposes. Sudha Varga Dravyas are a class of drugs with a high concentration of calcium. Calcium, the most common mineral in the human body, is vital to human physiology. The distinct chemical component of calcium compounds led to the rst complete grouping of all calcium compounds into one category, called the "sudha." Sudha Varga In clinical practice, dravyas, or calcium compounds, have grown in importance as medicinal agents. The calcium percentage was determined by doing individual analyses of the several ancient manuscripts that Sudha Varga quoted for Shodhana and Marana. They were investigated using several Rasa Shastra sources. Additional information regarding calcium and its absorption was discovered using Google databases. KEYWORDS Calcium Compounds, Rasashastra, and Sudha Varga

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