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Paper Title



  • emotional Intelligence
  • school students
  • school

Article Type

Original Article


Journal:EducreatorResearchJournal (ERJ)

Research Impact Tools

Published On

January, 2024



The ability to recognize, utilize, comprehend, and control one's emotions as well as emotional data is referred to as emotional intelligence (EI). Teenage development is greatly influenced by emotional intelligence. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that it helps students deal with stress, build relationships, and adapt to change. Pre- adulthood is the time of pressure and tempest" as properly said by G. Stanley in 1904. The transition from childhood to adulthood is crucial during adolescence (age 12 to 18). Children start to think about the future in terms of jobs, relationships, families, housing, etc., and become more self-regulating. Erik Erikson (born 1902– 94). The singular requirements to have a place with a general public and fit in. The child must learn the roles he or she will play as an adult during this crucial developmental stage. Teachers play a crucial role in the development of emotional intelligence in adolescents' schools. Emotional intelligence is very important for academic success and healthy relationships. There are a bunches of jobs the capacity to understand people on a deeper level plays in the progress from youth to adulthood. The researcher focuses primarily on Daniel Goleman's E.I. mixed model of Emotional Intelligence in this paper, which attempts to develop E.I. in students through school, teacher family, and peers. Emotional intelligence concepts are very important for students' overall development and can help them deal with anxiety, low self-esteem, and stress, as various theories of emotional intelligence demonstrate. Nevertheless, it contributes to the development of social skills, empathy, motivation, mental health, problem-solving abilities, and decision-making abilities. Keyword: Emotional Intelligence, Adolescents, Components of E.I, School.

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