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The Rhetoric of Mark Anthony

Published On: January, 2024

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews

Issue: 1 | Volume: 5 | Page No: 5219-5226


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This paper examined the speech of Mark Anthony at Caesar’s funeral. It answered the following questions: (i) Is the speech actually rhetoric? (ii) What make(s) it rhetoric? (iii) What are the devices that aid the speaker? (iv)What effect does the speech make on the audience? To answer these questions, a rhetorical analysis of the speech has been done in line with the three appeals of rhetorical according to Aristotle. The data used from the primary text, Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare in Act 3 Scene 2. Other data used include materials from the internet, library and group discussions. In the course of this research, we found out that, in a moment of grief, flattery can be effective; that a bad situation, if well managed, can be turned into a good one, and that the power of life and death lies in the tongue. We also found out that one can possibly make friends and supporters from one’s perceived enemies or opponents when the appropriate tools are in place, that not all who bear the name honourable are honourable indeed; that a true friend is one who stands by the truth and defends his/her friend. We learnt that diligence pays; the opposite is disastrous, and that the manner in which one goes about one’s mission can also determine results. The conclusion is that the study of Mark Antony’s oratory is a worthwhile endeavour. Its strength lies in its simplicity. While one may endeavour to undertake a rhetorical analysis of any speech for leisure, the study of Mark Antony’s speech will not only serve recreational purpose, but will also broaden one’s horizon of thinking. This speech does not only show us that words can be manipulated for aesthetics, it also shows us that the powers of death and life lie in the tongue. Also, the use of valid arguments through rhetoric has been proven by Mark Antony to be a successful weapon for achieving one’s desire.


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