This study was carried out on the impact of teachers welfare package on teachers job satisfaction. To achieve this objective, the researcher developed and administered a questionnaire on one hundred and ten staff of some selected schools in Jaba Local Government Area of Kaduna State. The T-test was used in testing the null hypothesis. From the study, It was observed that the welfare package provided to me as a teacher is not satisfactory. It was observed that teachers feel valued and appreciated by the school administration. This study shows that the current welfare package positively influences my job satisfaction. This study shows The welfare benefits offered to teachers are not sufficient to meet their needs. This study shows that teachers do not feel motivated to perform well in their role due to the poor provided welfare package. It was observed that The welfare package affects my overall morale at work. It was observed the teachers’ believe that improvements in the welfare package would lead to higher job satisfaction among teachers. Teachers are not satisfied with their job as a teacher in these schools. The study recommend, Educational officers should ensure that teachers are not only aware of their rights, but also are met without waiting for teachers unnecessary reactions. For example, teachers should get their rights as stipulated in the standing order including promotion on time and opportunities to attend teachers’ professional training programs. The community should be part and parcel of school development programs, so as to ensure better performance and parents should support teachers by contributing funds, building materials and food supplies for their children while at school. Therefore, parent commitment and seriousness is required for effective follow up of their children progress. Since some schools are located in remote areas within Jaba Local Government, it was recommended that the government should offer incentives in form of hardship allowances to teachers in remote schools to motivate them. Schools principals and management teams should raise positive work competition among and within teachers by ranking performance of teachers on a weekly/monthly or academic session based level of performance of teachers. Deserving teachers should be honoured with accolade and monetary or other initiatives and rewards to compensate them for their effort. Government should support teachers through facilitating transportations road access, building accommodations or lodge for teachers coming from far locations, provision of portable water, facilitate access to electricity especially to teachers in secondary schools in rural and primitive areas. State of the art facilities should also be provided to teachers in urban areas to support good working condition. This helps teachers to increases status in the profession as well as increases their level of satisfaction on job.
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