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Paper Title

The Function of Digital Evidence and Forensic Computers in Cybercrimes Investigation: A Case Study of India



Article Type

Research Article


Volume : 10 | Issue : 12 | Page No : 1458-1465

Published On

May, 2024



In the current era of information security, cyberattacks become more and more significant, which makes the use of computer forensics for data gathering, analysis, and documentation necessary. Digital forensics investigators can preserve and analyze digital evidence using a range of commercial and open-source technologies at their disposal. But it's still difficult to identify and prove digital crimes in court. To help comprehend attacker intent, a skilled forensic analyst gathers and analyzes relevant data. This study emphasizes the significance to efficient digital resources and techniques for searching, identifying, and maintaining electronic evidence. It concentrates on the investigation process for storage media and developing cybercrimes. The utilization of digital forensic methods and instruments in investigations involving digital forensics is also covered. Cybercrime cases in India indicate that the country doesn't have enough technical professionals to handle the cases. There are remarkably few police officers with technical training. The judicial department is similarly missing something. The second significant concern is the jurisdiction of the judiciary to handle cybercrime crimes. Police and judicial personnel must get frequent training. The Information Technology Act should be changed, and offenders should face harsh penalties. Several of the IT Act's clauses that solely stipulate minimum penalties need to be amended. Index Terms- Cyber Crime, Forensic Computers, Digital Evidence, IT Act 2008

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