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The Economic Impact of the Coronavirus [COVID-19] Pandemic on Sudan’s Foreign Trade

Published On: March, 2023

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Journal of World Economy

DOI: 10.56397/JWE.2023.03.02

Issue: 1 | Volume: 2 | Page No: 7-19


The paper explored and addressed the preliminary economic effects of the coronavirus [COVID-19] Pandemic on Sudan’s foreign trade, focusing on its trade relationship with China as it is the source of the pandemic. Moreover, the paper briefly traces how the pandemic affected the Sub-Saharan Africa Region and the world economy. This evaluation is preliminary therefore, updated data and new research to be published shortly or thereafter will carry better clarity and complement the trends discussed in this paper. The study’s main findings revealed that the coronavirus [COVID-19] pandemic has no significant effect on Sudan’s foreign trade, especially with China. Since the US government imposed economic sanctions on Sudan's economy in 1993, Sudan become relied heavily on products imported from China.
