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The Case Study of Cephalosporin (Cefoperazone+Sulbactam) Injection in UTI Patient


Varsha Dudhe
Varsha Dudhe

Published On: September, 2023

Article Type: Case report


Issue: 5 | Volume: 8 | Page No: 151-162


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The pharmacology department at MANIPAL HOSPITAL did a qualitative and brief crosssectional study. After collating the negative reactions to drugs (ADR) that MANIPAL HOSPITAL's doctors had reported, an assessment of their causation, severity, and preventability was made. ADRs were observed with antibiotic agent Cephalosporin (Cefoparazone + Sulbactum). To guarantees secure drug use and patient care, the healthcare system may encourage spontaneous reporting of adverse reaction to top Pharma covigilance centers. The majority of ADRs that were reported were likely obviously avoidable, and of a mild nature. Pursuant to our study, rigorous monitoring of ADRs in care tertiary hospitals is necessary for prompt detective and safetypatien


Varsha Dudhe
Varsha Dudhe

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