Education plays an important role in the development of nation and life of every person, especially in globalized competitive environment as we know it today. India is a country with varied and rich cultural heritage. Numerous great educationists came with their individual ideas and philosophy of education to place education system in a perfect frame in the 19th century. Among all, Swami Vivekananda (12th January, 1863 - 4th July, 1902) was the most influential and renowned personality, educationist, and reformer of India with his ideas and philosophy of education. His thoughts and teaching ideas still influences our education and all aspects of life. Swami ji believed in the philosophy of Vedanta, which believes that the goal of human life is to achieve "oneness with the Creator". Vivekananda was not only a great supporter of Vedanta but also, he had given Vedanta a practical form. Swami Vivekananda is one of the most famous philosophers and educational thinkers in the history of Indian education. He forced a truly men-making education system. Such an education, he says, the manifestation of perfection is already in man. Swami Vivekananda always believed that development a nation is possible with a quality education. Quality education give a safe passport for a comfortable life, because it guarantees a good job, higher education opportunities at prestigious Institutions and many good progressive things. One of the most important Swami Vivekananda's themes is the issue of building strong character in youth. According to him, the development of a good personality in each man is necessary in the case of nation building. He says “The creation of man means the harmonious development of body, mind, and soul but modern India has put tremendous emphasis on the scientific and mechanical ways of life which is fast reducing man to the status of a machine. Moral and religious values are being diluted. The fundamental principles of civilization are being disregarded. While according to Swami Ji aim of education should be to help a human being grow from the human to being human and social animal to the divine state, through self-effort, self-realization, and proper training. Modern India needs to work in the field of producing genuine human beings. We can establish a developed society through the complete education system which was suggested by Swami Vivekanand. The present thematic paper aim to highlight Swamiji’s ideas of education. It tries to analyse the relevance and need of his educational ideas in the light of the twenty first century education system in India.
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