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Study of 𝑒+β’π‘’βˆ’ β†’πœ‹+β’πœ‹βˆ’β’π½/πœ“ and Observation of a Charged Charmoniumlike State at Belle

Article Type

Research Article

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 110 | Page No : 252002

Published On

June, 2013



The cross section for 𝑒+β’π‘’βˆ’ β†’πœ‹+β’πœ‹βˆ’β’π½/πœ“ between 3.8 and 5.5 GeV is measured with a 967  fbβˆ’1 data sample collected by the Belle detector at or near the 𝛢⁑(𝑛⁒𝑆) (𝑛 =1,2,…,5) resonances. The π‘Œβ‘(4260) state is observed, and its resonance parameters are determined. In addition, an excess of πœ‹+β’πœ‹βˆ’β’π½/πœ“ production around 4 GeV is observed. This feature can be described by a Breit-Wigner parametrization with properties that are consistent with the π‘Œβ‘(4008) state that was previously reported by Belle. In a study of π‘Œβ‘(4260) β†’πœ‹+β’πœ‹βˆ’β’π½/πœ“ decays, a structure is observed in the 𝑀⁒(πœ‹Β±β’π½/πœ“) mass spectrum with 5.2⁒𝜎 significance, with mass 𝑀 =(3894.5 Β±6.6 Β±4.5)  MeV/𝑐2 and width 𝛀 =(63 Β±24 Β±26)  MeV/𝑐2, where the errors are statistical and systematic, respectively. This structure can be interpreted as a new charged charmoniumlike state.

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