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Published On: October, 2024

Article Type: Case report

Journal: World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

DOI: 10.20959/wjpr202417-33674

Issue: 17 | Volume: 13 | Page No: 540-544


Extremely severe acute hypersensitivity reaction known as Stevens- Johnson syndrome (SJS) results in widespread skin and mucous membrane necrosis. SJS is an illness that can strike people of any age and has no recognized etiology. When prescribing medication to patients, doctors have an obligation to inform them about potential adverse effects. Stevens-Johnson syndrome, a potentially lethal illness mostly affecting the skin and mucosal surfaces but also affecting other essential organs, is one such medication side effect, including tetracycline. The syndrome can be effectively treated with a variety of therapies, however the use of steroids for this purpose is still debatable. Treating the presenting symptoms is the mainstay of care for people with Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Keywords: Steven Johnson syndrome, tetracycline, hypersensitivity, side effect.