In ancient times women were treated with respect and dignity. During this period, there were women rishis, sages and experts of Vedas. They were held in high esteem. In royal households women were given respect and they even rendered a significant involvement in the making of decisions and administrative purpose. With the passage of time position changed andduring the Middle Ages, women's status began to deteriorate. The Muslim era was prevalent throughout this time period. Women's lives were drastically altered during this time period. They were seen to be less capable than their male counterparts. The birth of a female child was frowned upon. During this time, the women were forced to deal with a variety of issues. Child marriage, sati, the purdah system, Jauhar, and restrictions on girls' education were among the challenges that women faced, leading to a decrease in their status. Main objective of this paper is to study medieval period in perception of factors related to deteriorating their status in this period.
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