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Sourcing sweet healing: Unveiling the medicinal potentials of Scoparia dulcis in contemporary healthcare: A review study

Published On: February, 2016

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: International Journal of Chemical Studies

DOI: 10.22271/chemi.2016.v4.i1b.12373

Issue: 1 | Volume: 4 | Page No: 144-147


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Scoparia dulcis, commonly known as Sweet Broom weed or Licorice weed, is a plant with rich history of traditional medicinal use in various cultures. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the medicinal applications of Scoparia dulcis, focusing on its phytochemical composition, pharmacological properties, and potential therapeutic benefits. The bioactive compounds found in Scoparia dulcis, including flavonoids, alkaloids, and terpenoids, contribute to its diverse pharmacological activities. The plant has exhibited anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, and anti-diabetic properties in various studies, supporting its traditional uses in folk medicine. The review highlights the plant’s potential in managing diabetes, as research suggests its role in regulating blood glucose levels. Additionally, Scoparia dulcis has shown promise in wound healing, where its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects may contribute to the acceleration of the healing process. Its anti-inflammatory properties may play a role in alleviating respiratory symptoms, while its antimicrobial effects could contribute to addressing skin infections and gastrointestinal issues. Despite the promising findings, it is crucial to emphasize the need for further research, including clinical trials, to validate the safety and efficacy of this plant for specific medical conditions. Additionally, understanding optimal dosage, potential side effects, and mechanisms of action is essential for its integration into modern healthcare practices. This review provides a synthesis of existing knowledge, paving the way for future research and exploration of this plant as a valuable resource in the development of natural remedies and pharmaceutical interventions.


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