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Some problems with creating a medical-geographical atlas map of Uzbekistan


Normurod Latipov
Normurod Latipov
Komilova Nilufar,
Komilova Nilufar,

Article Type

Original Article

Published On

September, 2022



This article discusses one of the modern branches of geography, medical geography and its importance, the creation of medical atlases and the problems and shortcomings encountered in it. Creating medical maps has its own difficulties, as it is based on statistical data on the prevalence of various diseases, not a specific area. It is known that the disease develops depending on the condition of the area. In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the integrated development of the regions is economically important but has a significant impact on the ecology of the regions and the health of the population. The slogan COVID-19, which is a global concern, once again demonstrates the importance of focusing on the sanitary-epidemiological situation. An integrated approach to the implementation of these measures is becoming more relevant, which requires monitoring the medical condition of the regions using GIS technologies. The following is a detailed description of the creation of the Medical Geographical Atlas of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its components.

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