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Socio-Economic Profile of Rural Women in Nearby Areas of Pantnagar Janvani: A Study in Tarai Region of Uttarakhand

Published On: June, 2014

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Journal of AgriSearch

Issue: 2 | Volume: 1 | Page No: 117-121


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The community radio acts as a medium for providing a voice to the voiceless power to the powerless. It caters the needs of rural women by giving the way of bottom up approach. Before designing and developing community radio programmes, study of audience profile is very important. Thus, a study was conducted to assess the socio-economic characteristics of rural women. A sample of 1000 respondents was selected through Census method in Rudrapur Block of Udham Singh Nagar District in Uttarakhand. Data was collected through semi- structured interview schedule, observation and focused group discussion. The collected data was analyzed through Frequency, Mean and Percentage. The results indicated that the rural women belonged to middle age group, could read and write, had joint family, were of middle income group and had no formal social membership. Majority of rural women attended mela and went to their neighbors’ home at the time of festivals.


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