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Paper Title

Socio-Economic Conditions of the Farmers: A Case Study of Hirakud Command Area, Western Odisha

Article Type

Research Article

Research Impact Tools


Volume : XII | Issue : V | Page No : 662-671

Published On

May, 2023



A careful examination of the socioeconomic circumstances of farmers is a requirement for the effective planning and execution of government development initiatives. The research was done in the Hirakud Command Area, western Odisha between Kharif crop (Reetu) 2020-21 and Rabi crop (Dalua) 2021-22 to look into the socioeconomic profiles of the farmers. A total of 399 respondents from the Hirakud Command Area served as the sample size. As well as a properly well-structured questionnaire was used to collect the primary data for this study. The goal of this study was to evaluate the socioeconomic characteristics of the district of Hirakud Command Area, Western Odisha. The study's findings showed that most farmers maintained nuclear families as well as large family members. The majority of the farmers are considered to be marginal farmers who had low income, and limited access to institutional sources of financing. Young people are less interested in agriculture because it is not profitable, and instead, they turn to nonagricultural activities. In order to keep people engaged in farming, agriculture profitability should be increased, providing assured source of irrigation facilities, providing institutional sources of credit, extension services, and many more.

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