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Paper Title

Social and Educational Problems of Gujjar Students: A study


Article Type

Research Article


Journal:Educational Quest-An International Journal of Education and Applied Social Science


Volume : 9 | Issue : 3 | Page No : 221-228

Published On

December, 2018



The present investigation is related to the social and educational problems of Gujjar Students of Jammu district of Jammu and Kashmir State. While developing the framework of the investigation, the suggestions from various experts were taken into account for better results. It was considered that the proposed investigation be confined to an area which is getting urbanized under the impact of modernization. On the basis of demographic conditions and the situation of tribal population of Gujjars, the researchers conducted a survey of various surrounding areas in the neighborhood of Jammu. The rationale of the study is to discuss the social and educational problems in the society of Gujjars in Jammu District of J&K state. Nomadic Gujjars occupy a large portion of state population of J&K state, whereas in adjoining states they show very small part of state’s population. This huge population of the Gujjars, even after the seven decades of freedom of India seems neglected and deprived. It cannot be believed that a millennium has gone by, without even remotely touching the Gujjars community especially regarding their social and educational development. The paper uses secondary data from the Census of India, and from different reports of the state and central governments. For this study, primary data related to social and educational problems have also been collected through survey. Data were collected through stratified random sampling technique from different parts of the Jammu districts from the state. In the present paper researchers tried to find out the social and educational problems of Gujjar students. An attempt has also been made to give suggestions to overcome the social and educational problems faced by the Gujjar students.

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