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Simulation Result: Engage Software Tester Early in Software Development Life Cycle a Priority Based Models

Published On: February, 2017

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: International Journal of Management and Applied Science

Issue: 2 | Volume: 3 | Page No: 24-28


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Many Research have been proposed, on engaging software tester early in software development life cycle. But very a few researchers have provided the guidelines to actually implement the same. This paper provides the complete environment and stated newly created models based on the priority assign to the testers in the software development. Considering normal SDLC, have some major issues like time, bug counting ratio any many more. But try to minimize the same complexities newly created models stated. In this paper Priority considered based on the experience point of view that the Tester actually have in the software company. Result of the simulation depends on comparison between normal SDLC and newly created models. Furthermore major consideration of comparison is on time required to complete all the phases of software development, number of bug count and average bug finding ratio. Keywords— Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Software Testing (ST), Orange HRM Software, My Info module, Comma separated value files (CVS), bug, bug counting ratio.


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