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Paper Title

Service Level Agreement Governance For Cloud Computing

Article Type

Research Article

Published On

December, 2018



Service Oriented architecture is a methodology which gives the brief idea about the services that how the services can help to the organization which are independent with each other. One organization can take advantageous of these services without developing same services which is already available in other organization after a small agreement between two parties. It saves much time and money as well as application will also be ready soon and users can use it. Service Oriented Architecture has changed the minds’ of IT experts and now they believe to use the services of another party instead of developing same services in their organization which are already available and can be used any service depends on the company requirements. These agreements are documented and it is necessary that both parties should be ready to fulfill all the conditions which are mentioned in the white paper. This agreement is about the service so it is called “Service Level Agreement” One company which is providing the service is called Service Provider (SP) and which is receiving the service is called Service Receiver (SR). Cloud Computing is the latest technology which is more popular in the field of IT and It is the first choice of Information Technology department which has huge demand of the many organizations. It is form of the internet and the best thing of the cloud is that each data will be on cloud and can be accessed from anywhere. Many companies are providing cloud service to users which are cheap in comparison to external disk storage and also more secure. Some big companies are providing these services to small organizations which need cloud services. For example, Microsoft, Google, Amazon, IBM etc. Cloud service provider (csp) which will provide all the services related to cloud like, security, accessibility and what should be the minimum bandwidth to access the files from the cloud all the information and this agreement may be long year or few year depends on contract between two parties.

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