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Scientific Analysis of Satwapatana (Process of Extraction of Metals from ores)

Published On: September, 2023

Article Type: Review Article

DOI: 10.2015/IJIRMF/202309018

Issue: 9 | Volume: 9 | Page No: 94-98


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Rasashastra is Ayurvedic Iatrochemistry that deals with the various pharmaceutical processes of Shodhana (purification/potentiation), Marana (incineration/calcination), Jarana (polling), Murchhana (a procedure by which substances, particularly mercury, are transformed for therapeutic application), and other detailed descriptions of metals, minerals, poisonous plants, and animal products. Satvapatana is a Rasashastra process for extracting the Satva (essence) of metals and minerals from their natural source. Satvapatana's main objective is to get the active component of ore and minimise the dose of Dhatu (metals) while maintaining its medical efficacy. Satvapatana was first stated by Acharya Nagarjuna in Rasendra Mangala. It is also mentioned in various ancient texts such as Anandakanda, Rasarnava, Rasa Hridaya Tantra, Rasendra Chudamani, Rasa Ratna Samucchayam, and Rasa Ratna Samucchayam. Satvapatana is likened to metallurgy in contemporary science. However, the goal of Satvapatana is not the same as the goal of metallurgy. Satvapatana tries to extract therapeutically active material, while metallurgy aims to obtain the purest form of metal for commercial interests. Key Words: Satvapatana, Satva (essence), metals, minerals, metallurgy.

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