According to [Dolgui, Alexandre, and Jean Marie Proth. 2010. Supply Chain Engineering: Useful Methods and Techniques. Vol. 539. Springer.], advancing tactical levels in production systems has led to the disappearance of static scheduling in favour of dynamic scheduling. Additionally, the evolving challenges in the supply chain paradigm have significantly impacted the organisation of production systems. This shift has moved scheduling issues from the tactical to the strategic level, resulting in linear organisations encompassing scheduling decisions. [Proth, Jean Marie. 2007. “Scheduling: New Trends in Industrial Environment.” Annual Reviews in Control 31 (1): 157–166. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.arcontrol.2007.03.005.] emphasised that real-time scheduling in production systems has become a pivotal area of research. He presented several open problems for researchers to address in this context, including (1) the development of real-time algorithms capable of handling multiple operations on the same product and unrelated resources, (2) adapting previous schedules with certain modifications, (3) addressing unforeseen actions that arise randomly in real-time planning, and (4) exploring cyclic scheduling problems with size limits as alternative solutions to heuristic approaches. This paper reviews the evolving trends in light of J.M. Proth's predictions and advice within the aforementioned domains.
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