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Paper Title

Role of Kumkumadi Ghrita and Pathyashadangam kashaya in management of Ardhavabhedaka (Migraine) - A Case study


Dr Neeraj Kumar Jain
Dr Neeraj Kumar Jain
Dr Rashmi
Dr Rashmi
Rekha Parmar
Rekha Parmar

Article Type

Research Article


Volume : 12 | Issue : 9 | Page No : 379-382

Published On

August, 2023



Migraine can be defined as a paroxysmal affection having a sudden onset accompanied by usually unilateral severe headache. Migraine is the third most common disease in the world with an estimated global prevalence of 14.7% (around 1 in 7 people) – according WHO. It involves brain, eye and autonomous nervous system. Usually, it characterized by pain involving either half of the head, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms of neurological dysfunctions in varying. According to International headache society, Migraine constitutes 16% of the primary headache and affects about 10-20% of the general population. It is caused by the activation of a mechanism deep in the brain that leads to release of pain-producing inflammatory substances around the nerves and blood vessels of the head. In Ayurveda migraine is corelated with Ardhavbhedak. Most affects those aged between 25 to 45 years. It is more common in women, usually by a factor of about 2:1, because of hormonal influences. In the pathogenesis of the Ardhavabhedaka all the three doshas are involved with the predominance of Vata or Vatakapha. The disease may not be fatal but if not managed properly then it may damage eyesight or hearing.In Ayurveda various treatment modalities for Ardhavabhedaka which includes both shamana, shodhana. Nasya ,asthapana and anuvasanabasti . . Nasya Karma is considered as the best therapeutic intervention in Shiro Roga by Acharya Charaka Kumkumdi Ghrita is mentioned by Acharya Vagbhata in context of Shiroroga chikitsa. Pathyashadangam kashaya is mentioned in Sharangdher samhita with special indication to Ardhavabhedaka . The present article is a case report of 32 years old female who visit with a known case of migraine since 3 years. The patient was treated with Ayurvedic managements: both sodhana and shamana chikitsa, The patient experienced no attack of migraine even within 2 months of interval. This helps to achieve complete curative and prophylactic management. By adopting the holistic approach with both internal and external treatment modalities an attempt is made to bring about satisfactory results

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