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Paper Title

Role Of Film Critic In Film Making And Its Impact On Audience During Pandemic: An Analysis


Shyam Kumar
Shyam Kumar

Article Type

Research Article


Volume : 9 | Issue : 5 | Page No : 447-450

Published On

June, 2022



Covid-19 pandemic has led to the shutdown of cinema halls. But some of the states have also allowed theatres to reopen and have started relaxing restrictions due to dropping Covid-19 infection cases. In this situation there was a hope among the cinema owners that the business would resume. At the same time many film makers were also choosing OTT platforms to release their films. And many have been waiting for the reopening of the cinema halls. Under this condition where films were either not getting released in cinema halls, the audience were also opting for OTT platform content for entertainment purpose. Even the film critics were taking a back seat when the pandemic started, because choosing to watch a movie in a cinema hall was like a hazard in such risky condition and fear of Covid-19 infection. But afterwards with decrease in covid-19 infections cases the critics were again active in their task of film reviewing. This research paper aims to focus on the role of film critics in filmmaking and its impact on audience during Covid-19 pandemic lockdown. This paper also tries to explore the contributing of film critic in providing awareness about quality films to the audience during Covid-19 pandemic, whether film review helped film audience in choosing a film that they want to watch during Covid-19 lockdown situation, and whether film critic contributes in the production of quality films.

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