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Robust depth estimation with occlusion detection using concepts of optical flow


Hiral Raveshiya
Hiral Raveshiya

Published On: June, 2014

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communication and Information Technology Applications

DOI: 10.1109/CSCITA.2014.6839281

Page No: 1-5


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In this paper we present an approach to go beyondthe accuracy limits of current optical flow estimators. We haveused coarse to over-fine approach along with hybridinterpolation to upgrade coarse to fine approach. Coarse to fineapproach is used by most modern optical flow algorithms.Results of suggested method show benefit for sub-pixel motion.It also reduces the estimation error to great extent. Hybridinterpolation method is used which is an integration of bilinearand bi-cubic interpolation methods. Results of our approachon benchmark sequences show that estimated depth map areclearer and boundaries are sharper than original coarse tofine approach with bi-cubic interpolation method. Once opticalflow vectors are found occlusion is detected based on theconcept of residual error image.


Hiral Raveshiya
Hiral Raveshiya

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