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Review on bovine beta-casein (A1, A2) gene polymorphism and their potentially hazardous on human health

Published On: August, 2015

Article Type: Survey Article

Journal: International journal of environment and animals conservation

Issue: 3 | Volume: 11 | Page No: 11-22


The bovine A1, A2 beta –caseins are important proteins because of its important physiologicalfunctions, may provide effects beyond nutrition, due to the release of biologically active peptides ondigestion, proteins in bovine milk are a common source of bioactive peptides, which are released bythe digestion of caseins and whey proteins. A1 Beta-casein of bovine milk play a role in the etiologyof human diseases, ischaemic heart disease and other modern human health disease like neurologicaldisorders, autism and schizophrenia, seem to be associated with milk consumption. The studiesindicated that A1 and A2 alleles of the bovine beta-casein (CSN2) gene variant A2 of beta-casein arecommon among dairy cattle breeds but A1 is the frequent Indian dairy cattle find A1 alleles somenative and cross breeds dairy cattle. The widespread use of taurine germplasm in our crossbreedingprogrammes potential source for undesirable A1 allele of β-casein warrants the need to analyze thestatus of β-casein A1/A2 alleles in these animals to draw a sound breeding policy and minimize therisk of disseminating the A1 allele in Indian cattle.