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Review of Environment Eco-Friendly Refrigerants Used in Vapor Compression Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning System

Published On: July, 2023

Article Type: Review Article

Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management


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Refrigeration may be a method to remove temperature from the substance for cool along with freeze designed for maintains the heat of environment for perpetuation purpose- einsteinium and luxury. Refrigerants area unit the equipment to utilize in space-conditioning and cooling. This piece of writing illustrate the enlargement and narration of the 1st-, 2nd-, 3rd- and 4th-invention refrigerants. In addition, to the main center of attention is on a 4th- invention refrigerant, viz. HFO-1234yf (R-1234yf),HFO1234ze having nil gas diminution latent as well as really little warm latent. Mixture formula, chemistry, purpose and utilization standard of R-1234yf area unit explicated.

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