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reGIFCAPTCHA: Revolutionizing User Interaction and Security in CAPTCHA Technology

Published On: December, 2023

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research

DOI: 10.1729/Journal.37605

Issue: 12 | Volume: 10 | Page No: d891-d893


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This paper introduces reGIFCAPTCHA, an innovative CAPTCHA system designed to enhance web security while significantly improving user experience and accessibility. Unlike traditional CAPTCHA methods, reGIFCAPTCHA employs a novel approach by utilizing dynamic, GIF-based challenges, coupled with user-generated labeling. This design not only increases the difficulty for automated bots to bypass security checks but also makes the verification process more engaging and less cumbersome for human users. The system starts with a manually labeled corpus of GIFs and expands its database through continuous user interactions, thereby maintaining an evolving and adaptive defense mechanism against automated threats. Moreover, reGIFCAPTCHA's multimodal interaction design addresses the crucial need for accessibility, ensuring wider usability across diverse user demographics, including those with disabilities. The paper explores the implications of reGIFCAPTCHA in the realms of enhanced web security, user interaction design, and contributions to machine learning through ethical user data utilization. reGIFCAPTCHA represents a significant step forward in CAPTCHA technology, demonstrating a balanced approach to secure, user-friendly, and inclusive web verification systems.


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