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Reformed Vehicle Service System Based On Customer Recommendation

Published On: April, 2019

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research

DOI: 10.1729/Journal.21184

Issue: 4 | Volume: 6 | Page No: 5-8


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With the changing world of technology, time is considered as an important resource. Many researches are carried out in different sectors to reduce the time consumption in different ways butin some cases, technology has limitation due to its drawback of reduction in employment. In vehicle service centres the customers have to provide their vehicle for maintenance for a long time which is very time consuming and this issue is left unresolved. In this paper,solution to related issues are provided based upon customer satisfaction ratings which will help in saving time of the customer and improving management at service stations with use of different technologies like mobile application, barcode tags, etc.that are present in the market and some new strategies in this field like slot booking. All the work is done keeping customer satisfaction and loyalty in mind.


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