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Radial symmetry of positive solutions for nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems


D.B. Dhaigude
D.B. Dhaigude

Published On: January, 2015

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Malaya Journal of Matematik

DOI: 10.26637/mjm301/003

Issue: 1 | Volume: 3 | Page No: 23-29


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The aim of this paper is to study the symmetry properties of positive solutions of nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems of type Du + f (|x|, u,ru) = 0 in Rn. u(x) ! 0 as |x| ! ¥ We employ the moving plane method based on maximum principle on unbounded domains to obtain the result on symmetry. Keywords: Maximum principle; Moving plane method; Semilinear elliptic boundary value problems.


D.B. Dhaigude
D.B. Dhaigude

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