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Prototype Tool For Reuse Support System

Published On: December, 2018

Article Type: Research Article


Issue: 12 | Volume: 3 | Page No: 30-36


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The software industry has developed many applications which are using in various platforms for the different work and also huge numbers of application available and it has a great impact of human’s life but now time is changing so the users’ demand are also changing they want some advanced features in their existing application like WhatsApp every day add some additional new features in the software and attract to the users so company also cannot put any limitation on their work because they know in future some extra component will be needed. The software component is methodology which is playing an essential role and here developer can add any feature in existing software at any time without repeating the same code again and this methodology is also called reusability which is the first choice of the IT expert and now most of the companies are developing product using this methodology because It saves much time and money and can deliver products to the users in less time but it is not easy sometimes it fails because of lack of resources or knowledge and software industry lost much money. Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE) is also another methodology which is frequently used to reused the component with an application and it provide methods, models and guidelines etc. The CBSE has reduced the risk to reuse the component and provides the best platform for the developers who are working reusability methods.


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