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Production and Export performance of Nutmeg in India


Puthuma Joy
Puthuma Joy

Published On: August, 2019

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: International Journal of Informative & Futuristic Research

Issue: 12 | Volume: 6 |


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In ancient times, spices were as precious as gold and significant as medicines, preservatives and perfumes. India is the land of spices plays a significant role in the global spices market. None of the country in the world produces as many kinds of spices as India, with quality spices coming from the state of Kerala. India is not only the largest producer but also the largest consumer and exporter of spices in the world. Spices trade is a means of living for a large number of spices growers, spices traders and a source of employment for a large section of rural masses, especially rural women.

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