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Published On: November, 2018

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research

Issue: 11 | Volume: 5 | Page No: 76-81


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Women have been successful in breaking their confinement within the limits of their homes by entering into varied kinds of professionals and services women entrepreneurs have proved to be on par with their men counterparts in business acumen and are emerging as smart and dynamic entrepreneurs. There are many reasons for women to enter into entrepreneurial ventures in a predominantly society. Entrepreneurship among women is an important avenue through which women can overcome their subordination within the family and the family and the society as a whole. Therefore, development of entrepreneurship among women has received special attention of the policy makers. Women entrepreneurs face a series of problems right from the beginning till the enterprise functions. Being a woman itself poses various problems to a woman entrepreneur, the problems of Indian women pertain to her responsibility towards family, society and work. In this way this study was mainly focused on reasons for starting a business, what are the problems faced in our work and satisfaction level of women entrepreneurs.


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