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Paper Title

Pressure Vessel Design as Per ASME Section VIII Division 2 and Its Optimization


Dhaval A Patel
Dhaval A Patel
Dhiraj Prajapati
Dhiraj Prajapati

Article Type

Research Article


Volume : 9 | Issue : 4 | Page No : 2144-2151

Published On

April, 2019



Designing a pressure vessel using a handbook is troublesome and not interactive. Therefore computer aided software is created to assist the users, the computer aided software for designing pressure vessel. This project is to develop an interactive system to design pressure vessels besides the understanding of the algorithm in designing pressure vessel. Results generated are compared with manual calculations as per ASME VIII-2 design code. In addition, the finite element model was created using the results obtained from the system and the maximum stress value in finite element analysis was to compare with theoretical calculation. This project includes comparative studies to compare self-defined material versus material library, for self-defined load versus load from substance library and for substance library liquid with substance library gas. Computer Aided Design of Pressure Vessel Design has potential to produce robust design which would beneficial to the human kind. The analysis is carried out based on three different cases and results are compared by using Materials SS310 with permissible stress of 240 MPa. Applied inside pressure 1.3 MPa and both side wall fixed. Various type five case considering, 10 mm thickness, 9.5 mm, 9 mm, 8.5 mm, 8 mm and its von-misses stress and total deformation find same all boundary condition. Last case 8 mm thickness wall model on same material stiffener fitted by welding.

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