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Performance of Nutmeg Cultivation in Kerala


Puthuma Joy
Puthuma Joy

Published On: August, 2019

Article Type: Research Article

Volume: 1 |


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India occupies a predominant position in the world spices trade. India’s contribution to the world spices trade is 44 per cent in quantity and 36 per cent in value. Spices are one of the precious gifts of nature, to the people of India. From time immemorial India is regarded as the legendary land of spices, producing almost all the spices of the world. So spices play an important role in the economy of different regions of the country. Spices trade is a means of living for a large number of spices growers, spices traders and a source of employment for a large section of rural masses, especially rural women. spices, often called as grey gold have played an important role in the history of Civilization ,exploration and Commerce. nutmeg is a native of the moluccas Islands of Indonesia, the East Indies or Spice Islands .It is now grown in most tropical countries of the world ,but is cultivated on a large scale in the Malayan region .The British East India company introduced this Spice into India in 1880 AD.The countries producing nutmeg apart from Malaysia , Indonesia ,Grenade ,Sri Lanka ,India ,Tanzania ,Mauritius and China .The major country importing nutmeg and mace from India is Russia .

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