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Paper Title

Performance Analysis of Efficient Energy Routing Protocols in MANET

Article Type

Research Article

Research Impact Tools


Volume : 57 | Page No : 890-897

Published On

March, 2025



The rapid evolution in the field of mobile computing is driving a new alternative way in which mobile devices form a self-creating, self-administering and self-organizing wireless networks called Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). In MANET, the aware of power heterogeneity is an important technical challenging problem to increase the energy efficiency of each node. The mobile nodes in MANETs have different transmission power and power heterogeneity. This paper analyzes the performance evaluation of three Efficient Energy Routing Protocols such as EPAR (Efficient Power Aware Routing Protocol), MTPR (Minimum total Transmission Power Routing) and DSR (Dynamic Source Routing). The Efficient Power Aware Routing protocol (EPAR) mainly considers the node capacity by its remaining battery power and the expected energy spent for forwarding data packets reliably. EPAR uses mini- max formulation method for the selection of the route that has maximum packet delivery ratio at the smallest Residual Battery Power. With different network scenarios, EPAR is dominating in terms of Residual Battery Power, Power Consumption, Network lifetime and Throughput with respect to time and routed data packets.

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