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Performance Analysis of BGP Security Proposals

Published On: November, 2009

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering

Volume: 2 | Page No: 187-189


Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), the only standard for interdomain routing in the Internet, is used to exchange information between Autonomous Systems (ASes). BGP possesses many security vulnerabilities, as it works with the information received from the neighboring routers, and neighbors can lie, deliberately or mistakenly. Many security approaches have been proposed, but due to reasons like increase in performance overhead, problems in real-world deployment etc, none of them have been adopted as a universal solution so far. In this paper, we discuss and analyze performance of many recently proposed security approaches for BGP and their deployment issues that keep them away from real-time implementation. We also suggest recommendations to reduce processing overheads and to maintain performance vs. security tradeoff.
