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Paper Title

Online voting system project report

Article Type

Research Article



Research Impact Tools


| Page No : 1-18

Published On

August, 2024



This is a small scale project for Online voting system. The basic idea is that the citizens of the country can vote for the candidates during election in the online. It consists of voter details, security system, status and exits. The administrator can enter the name and password and generate the reports and can perform operation like add citizens, search, delete the citizens in the database. In Online voting system we can get the result of the election based on polling. In the voter details module various details like Card No, Name, Password, and Validation of the user are obtained. In the Display module the total database is displayed. In the User Login module, the user first select whether it is polling or admin login then by using the username and password the user can login and the database is displayed which shows the Card No, Name, Password and Validation of the particular user when it is polling login or otherwise the list of administrator operation like Add Citizens and Generate Report are displayed. By using the report Generation module we can get the result of the election and reset database after the report is generated.

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