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On Some Special Finsler Spaces

Published On: October, 2020

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology

DOI: 10.32628/ijsrst207524

Issue: 5 | Volume: 7 | Page No: 76-87


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The present communication has mainly been divided into four sections of which the first section is introductory, the second section deals with R - recurrent of order one. In this section we have derived results telling as to when a - recurrent of order one will be R - recurrent of order one, - recurrent of order one will be a - recurrent of order one. In this section we have also derived the Bianchi’s identity and few more identities which hold in a R - recurrent of order one. The third section deals with R - recurrent of order two. In this section we have observed that the recurrence tensor field is non-symmetric, few more relations and the Bianchi’s identity have been derived in a R - recurrent of order two. In the fourth and the last section we have derived the conditions under which a Landsberg space in a - Finsler space, a - Finsler space is semi - P2- like, a - Finsler space is a - Finsler space, a – Finsler space is P- symmetric, a - Finsler space is P2 like


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