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Paper Title

Occupational Health Problems Among Tobacco Processing Factory Workers, at Kheda District Gujarat: A Cross Sectional Study

Article Type

Research Article

Published On

January, 1970



Tobacco use is a major public health problem globally. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco is the second most important cause of death in the world. It is currently estimated to be responsible for about 5 million deaths each year worldwide. In India, it is responsible for over 8 lakh deaths every year. Tobacco use is one of the most important preventable causes of disease and death globally. Aims of study: To determine the occupational health hazard of tobacco workers. Objectives: 1. To explore the various types of occupational health hazards among factory workers. 2. To determine the occupational health problems among tobacco factory workers. Methodology: The researcher has adopted quantitative non experimental research approach. A cross-sectional study was carried among 50 tobacco factory workers in Kheda District Gujarat. The tobacco factory workers who fulfil the inclusion criteria were selected as a sample for the study and sample size was 50, Non-Probability purposive sampling technique was used. The data was collected using a questionnaire and performing a clinical examination. The questionnaire gathered information on demographic factors and adverse habits of the study subjects. The subjects were clinically examined to assess their respiratory health status using lungs function test. Prevalence of tobacco chewing and/or bidi and cigarette smoking, and their socio-demographic correlates, were examined. Collected data were analysed using SPSS statistics software. Results: Majority of the workers in the tobacco factory had tobacco chewing habits (44%) than smoking (2%) and alcohol drinking (38%). Majority of the workers in the tobacco factory workers belongs to 19-25 years (34%), regards to gender(68%) were male, regards to educational status (60%) were illiterate, Monthly income in rupees (56%) has 5000-10000 INR. Majority of workers had normal BMI (72%). Due to working in the tobacco factory (34%) have respiratory problem tachypnoea. (84%) of workers were having cough problem. (32%) of workers are having Runny and Stiffy nose. (42%) of workers are having Itching in eyes. (44%) of workers are having Skin rash.

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