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ObfuCloud: An Enhanced Framework for Securing DaaS Services Using Data Obfuscation Mechanism in Cloud Environment


Dr. Jayesh
Dr. Jayesh

Published On: October, 2017

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Intelligent Communication and Computational Technologies

DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-5523-2_31

Volume: 19 | Page No: 333–343


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Cloud computing is now a day’s become most attracted phenomena to use for a large-scale organization or for individual who need various network services with least cost. Normally, individual’s information is stored on public Cloud which is available to everyone for access. This fundamental raise some issue opposite to flexible services provided by Cloud providers, like Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Authorization and many more. To protect the data, lots of options available now a days and most preferable way is to use encryption. Encryption only cannot provide enough protection while considering user’s sensitive information, as well as it consumes more time to process encryption and decryption. To remove the burden of Cloud server, as well as to keep adequate security to user’s information in Cloud environment, in this paper, we propose a methodology for combining both techniques, viz. obfuscation and encryption. The user data may be encrypted if it requires security for its files or document, and the DaaS service of Cloud must be secured using obfuscation techniques. Using this two-way approach, we can say that the proposed scheme offers enough security towards anonymous access and preserve privacy even of the information available on Cloud Servers. We also aim to provide proper integrity checking mechanism, better access control mechanism which lessens the burden of Client as well as service provider.


Dr. Jayesh
Dr. Jayesh

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