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Multi Objective Optimization during Small Hole Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) of Ti-6Al-4V using TOPSIS

Published On: November, 2019

Article Type: Research Article

Journal: Materials Today: Proceedings

DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2019.07.184

Issue: 7 | Volume: 18 | Page No: 3109-3115


The current study deals with electric discharge machining (EDM) of Ti-6Al-4V using brass tube electrode. The goal is to perform multi-objective optimization on the effect of process parameters namely current, capacitance, on-time and off-time to determine the response characteristics such as material removal rate, tool wear rate and overcut. The experiments layout was planned using RSM-CCD. The multi-objective optimization method, the “Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution” is pertained in the current study. The results authenticate that using a TOPSIS, the MRR of 3.6996 mm3/sec, TWR of 0.0625 mm/sec and OC of 0.33 mm have been achieved.
