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Paper Title

Modeling of Physiology Based Toxico-Kinetics and Toxico-Dynamic to Diagnose Acute Effects of Nicotine on Heart Rate

Article Type

Research Article


Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | Page No : 38-45

Published On

November, 2017



In the modern world persons addicting to drugs are increasing gradually. Drugs are mostly in the form of cocaine, nicotine etc. which are harmful to our human body. The most commonly affected organs are lung, liver, kidney. In this paper we analyzed the effect of nicotine in lung, liver and kidney using Physiologically Based Toxico-Kinetics and Physiologically Based Toxico-Dynamics modeling. The effect of nicotine is more in lungs which also affect blood concentration and heart rate of the human. We also analyzed the efficiency of lung assist device by placing compliance chamber in between heart and lung. By using compliance chamber we can able to maintain the pulmonary artery pressure in the range of 8 to 25mm/Hg.

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